Tuesday, September 22, 2015



(i) Deductive method of research :

The method of studying a phenomena by taking some assumptions and

deducting conclusions from these assumptions is known as the deductive method.

Deduction is a process of reasoning from the general to particular or from the universe

to individual, from given premises to necessary conclusions. Deduction is also known as

analytical, abstract and a priori method. It has an abstract approach to the study of

science. When researchers proposed a study of the casual factors of the delinquencies

which are on the increase and which seems serious to them, they have some general

anticipatory idea as to what to observe and what specific facts in the main would be

relevant to their inquiry, even though they may not have realized these implications.

Then, on the basis of their observation, they formulate certain single propositions as to

the casual factors of delinquency. That is, they deduce from the complexities of

observed behaviour certain single ideas. In other words, they use a process of

reasoning about the whole observed situations in order to arrive at a particular idea.

This process of reasoning is called deduction or deductive reasoning.

The earlier scientific studies followed mainly the method of deduction, which is a

method of arriving at conclusions from premises. In deduction it is immaterial whether

the premises are true or false so long as the conclusions follow logically from the

assumptions. All that is needed is to select propositions in such a way that the analysis

of their meanings leads to other propositions. Take for instance the following two


1. It is in the nature of weaker persons to become subordinate to stronger ones.

2. Women are weaker than men.

It is possible to deduce a third proposition from these two propositions namely,

(3) women are subordinate to men. The truth or validity of the third statement, would

depend upon the truth of the first two statements which are the premises. But the

method of deduction is indifferent as to the validity of the premises. Therefore, one

cannot be sure about the truth of the third statement.

Deduction is logical reasoning and if we start with good premises, deduction can

serve scientific research in three ways :

1. Deduction help in detecting the questionable assumptions logically involved in what is

believed to be the truth and it multiplies the number of available hypothesis by

formulating the possible alternatives.

2. The logical deductions of its consequences makes clear the meaning of any hypothesis.

3. The process of rigorous deduction is an aid in the attempt to steer clear of irrelevancies

and thus the right principle is found.