Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Relationship between MOA and AOA.

Ø  These are internal regulations of the Company.
Ø  Play a subsidiary part of MOA.
Ø  Define duties, rights and powers of governing body as between themselves and Company at large and mode and form of business of Company to be carried on.
Ø  It is optional for a public Company limited by shares to register articles and compulsory for other types of Company

Relationship between MOA and AOA.
¨       Articles subsidiary to memorandum- Articles accept memorandum as charter of incorporation – Ashbury Railway carriage case
¨       MOA and AOA be read together but terms of MOA cannot be modified or controlled by articles- Mudialliar’s Case – Articles cannot extend the scope of MOA ; Birla investments vs CCI- Articles cannot supersede the objects of MOA.
¨       Alteration of articles is subject to express or implied prohibition by MOA- Andrews v. Gas Motor Co.

Contents of Articles:
1.       Different classes of shares and their rights.
2.       Forfeiture of shares and their re issue.
3.       Transfer and transmission of shares
4.       Alteration of share capitals
5.       Payment of under writing commission of shares and debentures
6.       Re organization of share capital
7.       Appointment, power, duties and remuneration of MD, director, manager or secretary and auditors
8.       General meetings and board meetings
9.       Winding up

Alteration of articles- By special resolution cannot be negatived by contract
Limitation on Alteration: Alteration of pointers should be
§  Not inconsistent with Company Act or any other law in force
§  Not inconsistent with condition of MOA
§  Not inconsistent with order of CLB to remedy, oppression and mismanagement.
§  Bonafide for benefits of Company as a whole
§  Not constitute a fraud on minority.
§  Cannot justify a breach of contract
PROMOTERS: Meaning: It is a person who undertakes to form a Co. with reference to a given project and takes necessary steps to accomplish that purpose.  In other words a promoter means a person
o   Originates the scheme for formation of Company
o   Prepares , executes and registers MOA and AOA
o   Finds the first directors
o   Settles the terms of preliminary contracts and prospectus
o   Advertises and circulates the prospectus, placing the capital
Duties of promoters:
¨       To act as a fiduciary agent-  To act in good faith towards Company (Erlanger case)
¨       To disclose to Company his position, profit and interest in property which is the subject of sale and purchase by the Company.
¨       Not to make any profit out of the promotion of Co. without disclosing it to the Co.

Liability of promoters:
Ø  Rescission of contract by Company in case of breach of trust provided agreement not ratified after finding out non disclosure of misrepresentation or recovery of secret profits.
Ø  If rescission not possible, Company entitled to claim damages against promoters
Ø  Promoters also liable to damages for fraud if party to a willful false statements.
Ø  In case of winding up promoter liable for misfeasance or breach of trust.

Pre- Incorporation Contracts:
Contracts which the promoters enter into for the Company before incorporation are called pre-incorporation contracts.
Legal Position
English law
·         A Company cannot enter into a contract before its incorporation because it does not exist at that time as a legal person
·         The Company cannot even ratify such contracts although it can enter into a fresh contracts after its incorporation.

Indian position :
¨       Pre incorporation contracts not legally binding upon the Company as before incorporation, Company is a non entity.
¨       Company also not entitled to sue on a pre incorporation contract
¨       S. 19 (e) of specific relief Act 1963 provides that specific performance may be enforced against a Company where the promoters have entered into a contract for the purposes of Company and contract warranted by the terms of its incorporation. Example: by inclusion in the AOA
The expression warranted by the terms of incorporation means within the scope of Company objects as stated in the MOA.
The term for the purposes of Company means such contracts are necessary for incorporation and working of Company eg: printing of MOA articles
¨       Section 19(h) of the specific relief Act provides that specific performance of such contract may be enforced by the Company provided contract accepted and such acceptance communicated to other party to contract.

Case Law: Erlanger Vs New Som Lrero Phosphate Company ( All ER).
Erlanger a paris banker with one other person purchased an island containing phosphate mines for 55,000. They formed a company to purchase a lease of island and work the mines.

Erlanger named five directors of which two were abroad and remaining three were under complete control of Erlanger. These three directors purchases island for company for 10,000. A prospectus stating that contract for purchase of island entered into was issued .

At the ordinary GM, objection was raised about the purchase , matter investigated and truth was revealed. The company failed and promoter was sued for refund of profit made.

The Court observed promoter is not prevented from selling his own property to Company but must sell through the medium of BOD who can do exercise and intelligent judgment on the transaction.

Promoters of Company stand undoubtedly in a fiduciary position. if the company on coming into existence purchases property of promoters , it is incumbent upon the promoters to take care that in forming company they provided with BOD to decide whether purchase ought or ought not to be made.